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Why can't society accept Marijuana?

It seems that people have already made up their mind about weed. All they know, it is bad, can't be acceptable like a cigarette, and once they see that you smoke pot, it will never be the same ever again. People will look at you as you're a murderer or criminal. But the question is, why are things like that? I'm not going to bore you with its history as you probably already know that, so I'll give you a brief view of why the society can't accept a stoner.

Society and Marijuana: Services

As you already know, as per the recent reports, weed does not have any significant side effects, which can lead to death, and the only problem a stoner has to face is a cough. That's it. It doesn't have any adverse impact on the mind, liver, or any of other organs, and instead of having damages, it allows you to see things from a different perspective. On the other side, Alcohol, and cigarettes, If I talk about the worst things that can happen ever happen to you after Alcohol and too many cigarettes, well, you could die. Now, people will say, so what If I could die because of my drinking problem, we are eventually already dying. So, I would say the death you will face will be immature and horrifying. So, Now that you know that Marijuana doesn't have any side effects and Alcohol kills 2.5 Million people annually, then why Alcohol is legal, and Marijuana is illegal and unacceptable in society. 


The answer is pretty simple, it's all about money. Every country has a Ministry of Health and Health industry. You can find everything on the Internet, but about 20 years ago it wasn't reachable, only very few people knew about the pros and cons of Marijuana, and the officials were one of them. They played their cards and decided not to tell anyone and build a billion-dollar industry. They were the ones who cooked every detail about Marijuana that how a person can lose consciousness and lead himself towards death. How Marijuana can increase your heart rate, which can cause a heart attack and severe diseases, but we have yet to see the actual cases on that. Every single thing was cooked, and on the other hand, they invested in Alcohol and cigarettes and made billions. 


They could change the scenario by legalizing it and spreading the truth of its merits on how Marijuana can help you to prevent cancer and how it can make your sex life better. Still, instead of creating a happier world, they decided to ruin it. They just left a message for a society that if a person is smoking weed, then it represents that he's breaking a law which makes him a criminal. That's why the community can't accept the pot or a stoner.


Eventually, we can't do anything about it because now even if we share the pros of weed with friends, they are ready to judge you that how it can ruin your life, which is certainly not a sensible thing to say. Advertising is the only thing that can either make it or break it. It can lead your mind in any direction, which is eventually similar to brainwashing. The only thing we can do is to make it a priority that no one will ever find out that you smoke because the world is not ready yet.

Society and Marijuana: Text

Now that we are talking about Marijuana, let's talk about how many kinds of people a stoner had to deal within a day;


The one with the laugh - 

This is common; every group has a friend who can't stop laughing after smoking a big joint. They just become freakishly ready to laugh at anything. Even if you accidentally fart in front of them, they'll laugh at it too. 


The one with the conversation - 

Talkative, Have you ever met a guy who seems fuckin silent to you, but after smoking snoopy-doggy, he went like Kevin Hart can't pull his shit together and doesn't stop talking for hours. There are many types of conversation killers, and you have to be aware of that if you don't want to listen to their stories of how they ended up in the metro when they were actually traveling through the car. 


The one with the suggestion - 

So, I was with a group, and a friend brought one of his other friends. We were at some Tea Stall; people don't need more than that, A group of friends, tea, and a joint. As the joint was circling with the tea, on the other hand, the new guy asked me if I ever tried a weed with Redbull, I said, No. Then he shockingly increased the size of his eyebrows and said, dude, you gotta try it, you'll get a too high dude, you'll feel like you're flying over the milky way. And I asked him, how do you know what it feels like to fly in a milky way? He looked at me as If I was savage on him, and he then didn't say a word after that. But his words were in my mind, so the man gotta do something, and I tried, but nothing happened. 


You know, you can't believe every word a stoner said. After a month, when we met again, now there was one new guy, and the last guy who suggested to me the Red Bull thing was gone. During the joint session, this time, I asked this new guy if he ever tried Marijuana with Redbull and guess what he said, yes, he said No. So, I told him exactly what the last person said to me, just for fun. and now, I would like him to make it a ritual of spreading good things like that. It's just some mind-boggling stuff to get the bullshit going. 

Society and Marijuana: Text

©2020 - Nature of Work by Shah Rukh Khan.

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