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She Laughed When I Shared My Feelings With Her – But Her Laughter Changed To Aggression When Her Friend Kissed Me.

I would’ve never thought that morning walks not just only help you stay healthy, but it can also show you the face you always dreamed of. Yes, I am talking about the love at first sight adventure of teenage. Early mornings are beautiful, more beautiful than a sunset, but it is a disappointment for those who don’t want the night to be over.

Those who are busy counting the stars, those who are busy admiring the cold nights of the sky full of thoughts, for those who were spending the nights with joints and partner, for these people, morning brings the disappoint until they realize that it is just a cycle.


The realization makes a difference, and not everyone is agreed to make peace with it. I had this realization years ago when on a morning walk, minding my business, and I suddenly realize there was someone who stole what I had (attention) and made me notice her.

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The strangeness of Love Triangle: Services

The charm of her eyes spreading happiness, a smile makes me smile, the air touches her hair and creating an environment of love through the smell, Is this love or am I just being overwhelmed with her beauty? When I asked what love is, I encountered the mixed response.


  • Love is understanding,

  • Love is being her strength,

  • Love is excitement,

  • Love is accepting someone as who they are,

  • Love is a connection that brings change,

  • Love is a bonding that goes deeper than affection,

For each person, love has its own meaning. It is not limited between humans as it also bonds with the pets, food we cherish, the music we like, and things we do. For everyone, it leaves behind a footprint of never-ending thoughts that takes us in the past and becomes hard to forget when we lose someone.


After spending weeks looking at her during walks, I finally dared to go and say hello, and as a matter of fact, it ended up in a way I would've never thought. That teenager had guts to ask her out, but it came with a cost. The first meeting was elegant as we met and shared a few laughs, and When we planned for the next meeting, she showed up with her friend.


Just three of us, I was looking at her, she was looking away, and her friend had eyes on both of us! The strange meetings made me uncomfortable, but she was talking, and the awkward air wasn't around much after that.

After months of meeting alongside her friend and alone as well, I finally told her about the feelings, and within a second, the silence changes into laughter. She was laughing at my face, and her laughter turns into aggression when her friend kissed with me with the feeling I wanted to kiss her. She had no idea, what happened, I had no idea why or how it happened, but we never met with each other after that incident.


If it were love, it would've stayed forever; I said to myself just to move on from her. But when did I become the interest of her friend, we all had no idea, at all. After the years of separation and significant realization, psychology had few ways to tell us what might have had happened back there.

Now that I think about it, it made me realize that what I felt for her, her friend must have felt it for me. And As I went deep into the thought, I also realized, What I felt for her friend, that might be exactly what she would have felt for me (my love interest). If I hadn't decided on moving on, we would have stuck in the love triangle forever.


Things have changed with the time (which is basically an illusion), and now we've learned to love with Mind, not with the heart as we aren't able to cope with the heartbreak anymore! We all know, once again, the coin will be in the air, and it'll change the circumstances with every outcome.

The strangeness of Love Triangle: Text

©2020 - Nature of Work by Shah Rukh Khan.

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