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Caution! It possibly can change your perspective.

If you are from India, then you're not allowed to talk about it. You just can't ask this question to anyone. People are highly religious, and religion is a susceptible topic to talk about because you will never know who'll get offended by your words. Every country has different circumstances, but all come to the same point - "Vote-Bank."

When the government said you have a right to privacy, they actually meant it. When they say, you have a right to freedom, you're a free citizen, but things get wild when it comes to religion because they don't want you to become an atheist and allow yourself to see the actual truth about religion.

Is God Real?: Services

But unfortunately, they can't do this as it affects their vote bank. You can't fuckin fight with the politics. I am not saying it's the government's fault but they kind of lie somewhere between being a liar. The population of the entire world is 7.7 billion, according to the United Nations reports, and these 7.7 billion people have categories that define the followers of God.

Is God Real?: Text

Let's talk about five most religious adherents:

Christianity - It has 2.1 Billion followers, the biggest religion in the world which started in the 1st Century and which only believe in the existence of one true God, which was called father as Jesus Christ taught everyone. (Duhhh..)


Islam - It has the second most followers of 1.8 billion. Islam started around the 7th Century, and Just like Christianity, they also believe in the existence of one god, which they call Allah, and they think that Jesus Christ was the messenger of Allah (okay, you are not allowed to argue about that).


Hinduism - It has 1.1 billion followers, and it started around 1900 BCE, which started the first Vedic religion. According to Hinduism, there are 33 million gods, and people pick their God according to their past family rituals. (Basically, You can eat non-veg on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Sunday but not on TUESDAY and SATURDAY) - I know, you know, what I mean!!


Buddhism - Buddhism started before Islam in the 6th Century, and they simply follow the path of Siddhartha Gautama. It has 500+ million followers, and the followers have no belief in any personal god, they only believe in spiritual development which seems pretty interesting. (Now you're talking!!)


Atheism - Now, let's talk about the fourth most prominent religion in the world, which is unacceptable by the majority; the Atheism. There are more than 750 million Atheists in the entire world which includes secular, nonreligious, agnostic and Atheist itself, and they see no god. 


I am an Atheist too, that's what I'd like to call, but the thing is, Not all atheists have a belief of no god. What I am saying is, Many atheists believe in one divine power, as they think that there's no God like a GODFATHER but a divine power! Whereas some like to believe, religion is just a joke, and then many say that WE SEE NO GOD. Then there are like Elon Musk and Albert Einstein, who wholeheartedly believed that we are living in a Computer Simulation which is built on high AI. 


"Every Atheist was once a Believer" - Mr Anonymous 


I used to believe in God, I was sincere, religious, and used to believe in the spirit and all the things which can strengthen the holy belief inside you, then I started asking questions. I just merely asked why do we do what we do? And they replied you could not ask questions against religion. Which basically means, you can never ask anything which can question the idea of doing something religious. I started seeing the world from a different perspective. 


Before, when I used to look up in the sky, I believed that God is watching, and I was dumb enough to pray to that, but later I learned about cosmology and then it changed the way I used to look at universe. Then I was imagining myself as Superman and travelling into outer space and went to the darker side to see how it looks. All I saw was the planets, and big planets and more planets with black hole, wormholes, white holes, and I got to the point, okay it was true, we used to be gorillas!! We evolved with time, learnt many great things and built stories to keep people in manners, that's who we are. We have no afterlife when you die, you just die. You're not going to remember a damn thing about anything yet we all waste our time doing things we don't love. You have to see things from a different perspective because everything is a mystery.

Is God Real?: Text

I'd like to think it in this way -

I was saying that I like to think about religion in this way as we know, how many great writers we've got. We have writers like William Shakespeare, Charles Dickens, Plato, O. Henry, Joan Didion, and the list goes on, but my point is from where we've got this wonderful gift of writing? Think... yep, now you're thinking, it's right. Yes from the ancestors. 


The people who wrote those holy books and convinced people that there's an invisible man is living in the sky who watches everything you do, every minute of every day. And the invisible man has a special list of ten things he does not want you to do. And if you do any of these ten things, he has a special place, full of fire and smoke and burning and torture and anguish, where he will send you to live and suffer and burn and choke and scream and cry forever and ever 'til the end of time!

But He loves you.  


"The last part was the work of great George Carlin."


I'm not here to judge, and you gotta believe whatever you have in your heart. Ultimately, we are all praying to the same god, or divine power or maybe just wasting our time. Okay, I'm not starting it again!!!

Is God Real?: Text

©2020 - Nature of Work by Shah Rukh Khan.

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