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Call of the Void - I think, I will Jump.

Winter is here! Evenings are colder and nights are dark, but I only want to talk about evenings right now, not the nights. It was an elegant evening, and the temperature was cold because who checks the weather before going to the terrace. It was around 6, and the fresh air was making me shiver a little bit as I was at the height of 56 Meter (Yeah, it's not too high, but it was high enough to kill me), and I was scaring myself to death by looking down from the top.

I can say things are a bit confusing right now, so let's clear the air. I was at the terrace of my building, and the height which you already are familiar with; Everything was normal until I had thought of What if. 

You know the situation when we assume something which doesn't usually happen, but we believe what if that happens? So, yeah, exactly, I was looking down from the terrace, it was high enough to kill any person if anyone ever jumped from there.

​Call of the Void!: Services

Suddenly it hit me, what If I Jump right now? What will happen? Will I die? and even If I survived, I'll probably break a lot of bones and will find myself on a hospital bed. Probably or else, I will die. But it was not something about suicide because I am happy in my life, despite the fact we can never be pleased with the experience as it's a great lie. 

I was not thinking about suicide or anything. I was at peace and just thinking about the jump; it wasn't like I was going to jump, I was only thinking about it. It sort of happened. Then I stopped thinking about it. After weeks, I was in the metro, and then I had a thought about what if we got in a train accident right now, How will I save myself or anyone, then I start assuming the ways to protect people and the thought left faster than it appeared. 

At some point in our life, we all have had self-destructive thoughts. Some people ignore it, and others don't. Some people experience it, and some don't. But It doesn't matter if you know what I am talking about, you will understand. I know some of you have been through the same phase. We all are. It is normal, and It can happen to anyone. But don't you think how amazing it is to know how interconnecting we are with each other. We encounter the same situations no matter in which continent we live. Well, it's called Call of the Void, or if you know any French, you can call it L'appel du Vide.

​Call of the Void!: Text

What have people experienced about Call of the Void or L'appel du vide?

Call of the void. High Place Phenomenon that's what the scientists call it. It means when you experienced self-destructive behavior or intrusive thoughts. It is intriguing, isn't it? From all around the world, we experience Call of the void on a daily basis. It can happen at any time, while driving, while talking to the boss, or standing at a place from where you can see the depth of the earth. 

Here's how you can clear the clouds from your head about Call of the Void.

I was at the top, 

thought about to jump,

Don't you overthink said Mind,

It will be fun.    

I was fuckin high,

how to control my thought, 

Bitch, if you fell from here, 

It will hurt a lot. (Heart replied)

​Call of the Void!: Text

©2020 - Nature of Work by Shah Rukh Khan.

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